- for Lee Morgan
We don't like the pancakes we like the eggs over easy
we like the formica tables our names etched
in the deep old scratches we like the bottomless
coffee and the fine bottoms of waitresses
we like Elgar and Toscanini the way they
slide into the booth with us and get us all
to quietly hum along we like the view of the
parking lot and the passing traffic and
how there's nowhere else we need to be
we like Bunny and how he says he's
lefthanded in both hands we like
how he still likes Eisenhower and keeps
his photo up over the grill a shining
layer of bacon grease glossing the eyes
of the great general we like the shelters
Bunny built during the war for the orphans
and nuns out of big mahogany boxes
and how he dug the tunnels under the floors
to help warm their dirty bare feet
we like that we don't have to talk about the war very
much at all we like that we're here and not at Bill's Donuts
we don't like Bill and neither does Bunny.
-- Kris Collins
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